We have some short but oh so sweet news coming to you from The St. Paul Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy! […]
We have some short but oh so sweet news coming to you from The St. Paul Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy! […]
What are some of the consequences of Self-promotion? It can start as small as merely showing disrespect to your instructor, but if allowed to continue and spread, it can lead to the degradation and downfall of the entire martial art.
Martial arts is a great way to personally develop and improve yourself both physically and mentally. Some people choose to push themselves by testing their skills and abilities against those of another martial artist and by doing so, they can become a stronger person and reap great benefits, and here’s how!
With UFC 200 approaching this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to take a look at the humble beginnings of the UFC and review the conclusions we can draw based on the first ever world-wide showcasing of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and it’s place in the world of martial arts.
Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu really the most effective martial arts out there for self defense and if so, why? There are several ways to answer that question, but in this post, we focus on the most important factor in the answer to this question.
Have you ever wondered why your friend trains martial arts so often and for so long? Maybe your friend has been training for over 10 years, and you know they could already defend themselves effectively against anyone who tries to attack them. They’ve already reached their goal haven’t they? They’re nearly unbeatable, so why do they keep training? This is why…
One of the most common questions you will hear in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is “How do I get better at BJJ?” In this blog, I do my best to answer that question with my opinion on what the best training methodology is for the greatest improvement in BJJ.
How many times have you heard your friends or even yourself say, “I’m going to work out more often and get in shape this year” only to see them return to their old sedentary habits before January even passes. Using these 3 tips, you can make adapting to your new lifestyle much easier and observe your new habits seamlessly transition from being work to becoming part of your normal routine.
In part 2 of this blog, I explain that while belts are meaningless, they play a very important role if the life of the martial artist and in the Martial art itself.
Martial Arts belts are both extremely important and completely arbitrary at the same time. In Part 1 of this post, you can read why belts are meaningless and why my level of interested in being awarded my black belt has decreased lately. Then be sure to read part 2, to learn of the real significance of belts in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other martial arts.